On page one, the September 2024 edition of The Aquarian Theosophist presents the article “Blavatsky, on Communism, Socialism and Political Reform”. Did Helena Blavatsky actually write that Theosophists abhor modern Communism and Socialism?
Page 3 presents “How to Face Challenges: Efficiency in the Art of Living”.
On page 4, “A Broad View of Life – How to Expand Your Ability to Learn”. On page seven we see “The Philosophy of Donald Trump: The Way to Become a Winner”. Page 8 brings us the cartoon “A Pledge to Peace”.
Other topics in this edition:
* Thoughts Along the Road – Three Kinds of Students in Esoteric Philosophy.
* An Independent Examination of Facts is Necessary – Big Brother Wants to Think for You.
* Two Poems: The Light and the Silence – by Michael Smith.
* In the Secret Doctrine – A Kabalist Poem by Rabbi Solomon Ben Gabirol.
* The Subtle Inner Change – Practical Effects of Studying the SD.
* Who Has Respect for Liberty of Thought? – Someone is Defending Religious Freedom.
With 20 pages, the September edition includes the List of New Items in our websites.
The above edition of The Aquarian was published on 06 September 2024. The entire collection of the journal is available HERE.
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Helena Blavatsky (photo) wrote these words: “Deserve, then desire”.