And a Few Practical Decisions for Tomorrow
Carlos Cardoso Aveline

I will endeavor to act in a just and balanced way.
It will be remembered that external meaninglessness paves the way to a deeper progress. That which is defeat in the logic of the outer world prepares victory in the realm of spirit.
Happiness will not be sought as a personal or isolated goal. The mere fact of aiming at it provokes spiritual decline.
Duty is my protection. Selflessness leads to the source of true contentment.
I pledge myself to have the energy necessary to be honest with my own conscience and all beings. I will listen to the voice of that level of silence that produces communion with independence.
The evil I see does not impress me. It is left behind: vigilance and right action are enough to keep away from error. The goodness I experience inspires me. I say thanks to life for the brotherly attitudes seen.
Constructive action will be pursued. I am grateful to the Law for the time that has passed and make sure I have learned the lessons. Each new day must start from zero. At all time the wisest thing to do is to follow a high ideal. The needle of my compass points to that which is morally good, true and beautiful.
Wrong habits will be abandoned. I will be more effective regarding decisive aspects of life.
I pledge myself to live as an anonymous guest of this planet. The name I use was given to me, by my parents, as a pseudonym valid for the present incarnation. In essential anonymity I find the territory of wordless truth. On it I live indeed.
Calm work will be performed during the next cycles. I will slowly strengthen the presence of eternity in daily life, if I can, while trying to expand goodness and sincerity in human relations. I am going to pay the price for that, unhesitatingly.
I will calmly unmask the mechanisms of hypocrisy within my soul and outside of it, and clear the way for the science of living according to the highest light in the soul.
Om, shanti.
“A Prayer Before the Future” was published in the associated websites on 2 June 2019. An initial version of the article, with no indication as to the name of its author, is part of the January 2017 edition of “The Aquarian Theosophist”, pp. 1-2.