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E-Theosophy E-Group
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Profile of the Independent Lodge
O Círculo de Estudo Sobre Discipulado
The Circle for the Study of Discipleship
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Textos por Ordem Alfabética
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The Books In Our Websites
Os Livros em Nossos Websites
Philosophie et Théosophie en Français
TRUTH Social (Português)
TRUTH Social (English)
O Editor
The Editor
El Editor
X (Port.)
X (Eng.)
All Texts in English
1504 Texts - in Alphabetical Order
Looking Into Oneself -
N. C. Ramanujachary
Looking to the Future -
Joana Maria Ferreira de Pinho
Love Without Violence -
Erich Fromm
Loyalty and Courage Lead to Victory -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Lucifer: What’s In a Name? -
Helena P. Blavatsky
M.C.’s Text on Karma, Annotated -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline (Ed.)
Magnetic Circles of Universal Friendship -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Mahatma Gandhi and Theosophy -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Mahatma Gandhi’s View of Food -
B. P. Wadia
Mahatmas and Chelas -
Helena P. Blavatsky
Making Our Countries Great Again -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Man and Society in Calamity -
Pitirim A. Sorokin
Man Is Not a Thing -
Erich Fromm
Manual of Psychometry -
Joseph Rodes Buchanan
Masonic Rites and Esoteric Fraud -
Robert Crosbie
Masters Teach That There Is No God -
A Mahatma of the Himalayas
Meditating on Peace in the Middle East -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Meditation on the Awakening of Mankind -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Meditation on the Awakening of the United States -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Meditation to Begin a Study in Group -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Meditation, Concentration, Will -
William Q. Judge
Men of Good Will -
Theosophy Magazine
Mental Discipline -
Helena P. Blavatsky
Mercy and the Law of Karma -
Robert Crosbie
Messages of Helena Blavatsky -
N. C. Ramanujachary
Michael Freeman and the H.P.B. Library -
Joan Sutcliffe
Modern Language and Theosophy -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Moral Determination and Commitment -
Eiji Uehiro
Moral Education, by Prof. Buchanan -
Helena P. Blavatsky
Moral Education: Its Laws and Methods -
Joseph Rodes Buchanan
Moral Strength in Judo and Theosophy -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Moscow the Third Rome -
Nicolas Zernov
Moshe Cordovero and Social Activism -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Musonius: No Need of Much Evidence -
Musonius Rufus
My Library -
Lin Yutang
My Memories of John Garrigues -
Gabriel Blechman
My Mind to Me a Kingdom Is -
Sir Edward Dyer
Mystic Lore of Gems and Crystals -
N. C. Ramanujachary: Living Up to the Original Program -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Nationalism and Internationalism -
The Theosophical Movement
Neptune, a Mystery In Front of Us -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
New Year -
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
New Year Greetings from Blavatsky -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
New Year’s Resolutions -
Robert Crosbie
New York, September 7th, 1875 -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
No More Hiroshimas and Nagasakis -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
No Religion Higher Than Truth -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
No Separation Between The Divine and the Worldly -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Non-violent Economy -
The Theosophical Movement
Nourishing the Gods -
John Garrigues
Observing Our States of Mind -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Obstacle, a Precondition of Willpower -
Jean des Vignes Rouges
Obstacles and Opportunities -
John Garrigues
Occult Roots of Religious Violence -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Occult Vibrations -
William Q. Judge
Ode to Solitude -
Alexander Pope
Of Funds and Property -
William Q. Judge
Of Globalism and Brotherhood -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Of Seeing and Making the Future -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Of Sermons Through Stones -
A Master of the Wisdom
Of Work and Love -
Kahlil Gibran
Olcott Against Blavatsky -
William Q. Judge
Old Prophecies and Atomic War -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
On Abortion: Is Foeticide a Crime? -
Helena P. Blavatsky
On Christmas Eve and the New Year -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
On Contacts With Masters -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
On Deliberate Action -
John Garrigues
On Examining Religion -
Baron Holbach
On Getting Ready -
B. P. Wadia
On Guarding Alertness -
Acharya Shantideva
On Harmlessness and Justice -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
On Listening to the Trees -
Hermann Hesse
On Loving One’s Country -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
On Praise and Blame -
John Garrigues
On Prayer -
Damodar K. Mavalankar
On Precipitation and Other Matters -
Helena P. Blavatsky
On Pseudo-Theosophy -
Helena P. Blavatsky
On Seeing the Mistakes of Others -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
On Starting a New Year -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
On the Cult of Books -
Jorge Luis Borges
On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians -
Vladimir V. Putin
On the Island of Shambhala -
Helena P. Blavatsky
On the Law of Cycles -
Helena P. Blavatsky
On the Life of the Disciple -
Robert Crosbie
On the Mahatma Letters -
John Garrigues
On the Proem of The Secret Doctrine -
Steven H. Levy
On Tolerance and Good Will -
John Garrigues
On Truthfulness and Brotherhood -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
On Trying to Look Like a Scholar -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
On What Is Theosophy -
A Paramahansa of the Himalayas
One for All, and All for One -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Opinion, Research and Knowledge -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Optimism in Esoteric Philosophy -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Organization of the Movement -
Damodar K. Mavalankar
Original Theosophy and Creativity -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Our Duties to the Planet -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Our Week and the Solar System -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Outer Precariousness & Inner Compassion -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Overcoming Subconscious Negativity -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Paracelsus and the Book of Nature -
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
Older Entries
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