Oliver Stone’s Frank Dialogue With Vladimir
Putin Shows That Cooperation is Better Than War
Carlos Cardoso Aveline

Oliver Stone and Vladimir Putin during the discussions
The 2015-2017 dialogue entitled “The Putin Interviews” transmits central and valuable lessons in History.
Filmed in Moscow by Oliver Stone and also available as a book [1], the conversation reveals much of the intercultural approach we need in order to live in peace on the planet. National cultures and specific lines of Karma must be respected: no country can act as the sole Sheriff of the world.
The study of original theosophy makes it clear that Russia is a cultural and spiritual bridge between Asia and Western Europe, and should be looked at with care and in depth. [2] From the point of view of human evolution, harmony must be expanded among the main civilizations now existing on Earth.
Outward uniformity in politics is not desirable. There is no point therefore in provoking a second Cold War between the two nuclear superpowers, which would only debilitate the efforts against nuclear proliferation. A balance has to be preserved in the way Eastern and Western nations interact. Propaganda war cannot replace facts: Russia is a great country; its cultural, philosophical and spiritual power is immense; by understanding the Russian soul Westerners will be better able to understand Asian cultures, and attain to a deeper view of their own Western Dharma and mission.
Perhaps the need for long term cooperation between the United States and Russia was seen in advance during the 19th century by the Eastern Sages who inspired the foundation of the modern theosophical movement. Some students of esoteric philosophy believe it was not a coincidence that the main founders of the movement, in 1875, were born precisely in the USA and Russia, in an apparent anticipation of the dangerous Cold War the world would have to face in the 20th century. The main founder of the theosophical movement was the Russian thinker Helena Blavatsky, and she founded it in New York.
In our own century, we have renewed reasons to preserve the inner harmony between Russia and the West. A respectful interaction among nations attracts spiritual energies to the world today. It preempts blind policies based on hatred and fear.
Kovalik, On Peace
Daniel Kovalik, author of the interesting work “The Plot to Scapegoat Russia”, had this to say about Oliver Stone’s book:
“…The Putin Interviews is a desperately needed antidote to the anti-Russia hysteria gripping the US. When one takes the opportunity to spend time with Vladimir Putin through the interviews, one cannot help but see his humanity, intelligence, and complete lack of antipathy towards the US. Indeed, Putin constantly refers to the US as a ‘partner’ and, in a humorous twist, frequently chides Stone for being too critical of the United States. After reading this book, one will wonder why we cannot view Russia in turn as a partner and a friend, especially at a time when our country is so in need of both.” [3]
The need for mutual respect and cooperation between Russia and Western countries has been self-evident for decades.
The financial and military interests which aim at a new Cold War are also not difficult to see. In 1961, U.S. president Dwight Eisenhower [4] was among the first to speak in public about the dangerous influence of the military-industrial complex. In more recent years, Henry Kissinger has been advocating common sense and a balanced attitude of the West regarding Russia. [5]
Listening to One’s Silences
Of course, planetary citizens must challenge mental routine and cultural stagnation. In February 2017, toward the end of his acceptance speech for the Writers Guild Laurel Award for Screenwriting, Oliver Stone gave a short testimony on peace, courage, and truthfulness. He said to the writers present in the ceremony:
“I urge you to find a way to remain alone with yourself, to listen to your silences, not always in the writer’s room; try to find not what the crowd wants, so that you can be successful, but try instead to find the true inner meaning of your life here on Earth. And never give up, on your heart, in your struggle for peace, decency, and telling the truth.” [6]
Both the world peace and the state of the planet depend on each good-willing citizen. For this reason Helena Blavatsky wrote that mankind’s fate is, up to a certain point, in the hands of those theosophists who feel responsible for the future.
However, being a theosophist has nothing to do with formal affiliation to one association or the other. A theosophist is a friend of truth. There are members of the theosophical movement who are not theosophists, and theosophists who are not members of the theosophical movement.
Blavatsky and her Eastern teachers constantly invited good-willing citizens to feel co-responsible for the common Karma of present civilizations. For those who try to go beyond appearance and dead-letter, the invitation is as valid as ever in the 21st century. Oliver Stone has done a service to mankind in helping pave the way to intercultural dialogue.
[1] “The Putin Interviews”, by Oliver Stone, Hot Books, New York, 2017, 277 pages. Also available in video at Showtime: http://www.sho.com/the-putin-interviews .
[2] See in our associated websites the article “Slavophilism and Theosophy”.
[3] The above words are reproduced from the back cover of the book “The Putin Interviews”.
[4] See in our associated websites the 2-minute video “Eisenhower Denounces Military-Industrial Complex”. It is easy to find through the Lists of Texts in Alphabetical Order.
[5] On Kissinger and the international order, see in our websites the article “The Birth of the Future”.
[6] Click Here to watch the 3m video with Oliver Stone in the YouTube channel of “The Aquarian Theosophist”.