The Small Planet That Breaks Routines
And Brings Depth to Human Consciousness
Carlos Cardoso Aveline

Pluto and its main Moon, Charon
“… A new covenant, not of the letter but of
the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.”
( 2 Corinthians, 3:6 )
How can one better understand the changes our humanity has been undergoing on the psychological, social and planetary levels of life? The first step may be to critically observe the point of view from which we look at reality.
In “The Voice of the Silence”, H. P. Blavatsky shows the difference between the “doctrine of the eye”, that sees appearances, and the “doctrine of the heart”, that shows the essence and the occult wisdom. In every phase of human history, there has always been a struggle between form and contents, outer shell and inner life, exoteric perception and esoteric understanding.
A constant conflict between appearance and reality can be observed in the history of philosophical and religious thought. The paradox is present in great events as well as in small ones. Form and contents get combined and mixed up in each one’s consciousness and also collectively. The theosophical and esoteric associations are no exceptions to the rule.
Some students who follow the work of the Independent Lodge of Theosophists know that there are points in common between the non-bureaucratic sectors of the theosophical movement and the ancient and primitive Christianity.
The Christians of the first centuries had no bureaucracy or formal institutions. The Vatican built its imperial and ritualistic forms of Christianism during the Middle Ages. Something similar took place in the history of the theosophical movement: it was after the first decades of pioneering action that the process of “authority” and blind faith took place, especially from Adyar; yet some sectors of the movement have kept the original proposal alive. Among them one can see the Independent Lodge of Theosophists.
In the Middle East, the relation between Jesus and the priestly bureaucracies of his time was one of confrontation. In the 19th century, Helena P. Blavatsky challenged in similar ways the main ecclesiastical corporations and was persecuted by them.
According to esoteric philosophy, the real life of Jesus was quite different from the symbolical narrative one can find in the Gospels.
With regard to the true or historical Jehoshua, theosophy brings us data and information from the Jewish Talmud. In her work “Isis Unveiled”, H. P. Blavatsky shows that the persecution of Jesus (promoted not by all of the people, but by the sect of the Pharisees) was a reaction against his theosophical philosophy of universalism and inter-religiousness. Mentioning sources as the Sepher Toldos of the Talmud and Eliphas Levi, HPB writes:
“…The same Talmudist says, in substance, the following: Jesus was thrown in prison, and kept there forty days; then flogged as a seditious rebel; then stoned as a blasphemer in a place called Lud, and finally allowed to expire upon a cross. ‘All this’, explains Levi, ‘because he revealed to the people the truths which they (the Pharisees) wished to bury for their own use. He had divined the occult theology of Israel, had compared it with the wisdom of Egypt, and found thereby the reason for a universal religious synthesis’.” [1]
These facts make it clear that the universal wisdom does not obey to priesthood and religious bureaucracy. It has kept away from conventional sacerdotal castes which present themselves as the owners of divine knowledge and as the “intermediaries” between sacred wisdom and the uninformed population.
True theosophy has, therefore, essential characteristics in common with primitive Christianity, and with the inner wisdom of the other religions and philosophies. In the same way, corporative and ritualistic forms of pseudo-theosophy, as those developed in the Adyar Theosophical Society and elsewhere, have much in common with the conventional Christianity of the Vatican and with the bureaucratic shells of the other religions.
In the present world transition, Karma changes rapidly. There is now a subtle energy in the astral light that favors the rupture of false shells and structures that limit the truth. It’s the right time now to reorganize our planetary home as much as it depends on us. The task includes changes in the ecological and geological relationship between humans and the planet. Pluto is associated with the Karma of the past, with transmutation, with the death of old unnecessary structures that have ceased to serve spiritual life.
Astrologically, this small planet rules the subterranean layers of the Earth. Pluto is linked to the earthquakes and to the excess of CO2 in the atmosphere, which is caused by the unnatural use of fossil fuels. In the physical world, as well as in the psychological sphere and on the spiritual plane, the influence of this mysterious planet is often behind total and sudden transmutations, which sometimes include violence. But it also knows how to act slowly, subtly, without being noticed.
Pluto brings creative, surprising forms of transition towards the Greater Life. It acts, naturally, according to the Karma accumulated by humans. Its action is closely linked and complementary to the influence of the two other “galactic” planets in our solar system. One of them is Neptune – the co-ruler of Pisces, the era of which recently ended. The other is Uranus, the co-ruler of the age of Aquarius, which has already begun. There is a curiously central and harmonious mathematical relationship between the cycles of these three planets, which more directly bring the energy of the galaxy to our solar system, complementing “from outside” the work of our Sun.
Small Pluto also points to the generation of life, to creativity, to healing and rebirth. In theosophy and psychology, as well as in the sociological sphere, these constructive functions must be stimulated.
Regarding the learning of the soul, the 21st century is a unique opportunity to break away from illegitimate bureaucratic shells, and from crusts of illusions and blind belief. The same happens in the realm of each individual life.
This century is an appropriate time to discover that we can renew ourselves and be reborn internally every day. It is impossible to stay motionless. There is, as never before, the living possibility of establishing “a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life” (2 Corinthians, 3:6). Thus that era of Aquarian wisdom will emerge in which the Pisces Age dream of universal fraternity will become part of concrete reality.
[1] See page 202, “Isis Unveiled, Volume II”, by H. P. Blavatsky.
The article “Pluto: a Struggle of Two Thousand Years” is a translation from the Portuguese language. Original text: “Plutão: Dois Mil Anos de Luta”. The text is also available in Spanish. First published in 2017, it was updated by the author in the three languages between December 2023 and January 2024.
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