Annoté par le Docteur Marc Haven et
Précédé d’une Introduction de Daniel Nazir
Le Comte de Cagliostro

Cagliostro et le Rituel, édition française, Nice, 1948
Foreword to the Online Edition of 2019:
The classic and authentic text of the “Rituel de la Maçonnerie Egyptienne” which we publish here has nothing in common with the false “Egyptian Rite” fabricated by pseudo-theosophists in the early 20th century and adopted by Annie Besant after she had betrayed her teacher Helena Blavatsky.[1]
The profound philosophy present in Cagliostro’s Egyptian Masonry has a close affinity with Helena Blavatsky’s own writings and the teachings of her masters.
In the Mahatma Letters, for instance, we see this reference to students of esoteric philosophy whose attitude is superficial:
“Oh blind fools! They forget – or never knew that he who holds the keys to the secrets of Death is possessed of the keys of Life?” [2]
Or, in the French edition of the Letters:
“Oh! sots aveugles! Ils oublient – ou ne surent jamais – que celui que tient les clés des secrets de la Mort possède les clés de la Vie.” [3]
On page 30 of the “Rituel de la Maçonnerie Egyptienne” we find the same classical principle:
“D. Que signifie la philosophie naturelle?”
“R. Le mariage du soleil et de la lune et la connaissance des sept métaux.”
“D. Vous a-t-il indiqué une route sûre pour parvenir à cette philosophie?”
“R. Après m’avoir fait connaître le pouvoir des sept métaux, il m’a ajouté: Qui agnoscit mortem, cognoscit artem.”
To which the translation is given from Latin in a footnote:
“Celui qui a la connaissance de la mort, connaît l’art.”
Or, “he who knows death also knows the art [of living].”
Occultism or Theurgy
The affinity between classical theosophy and the philosophical contents of the “Rituel” is undeniable. In her article “Lamas and Druses”, Helena Blavatsky refers to Occultism as Theurgy, the practice of divine presence. And this is easy to perceive in the Rituel. [4]
In her First Message to American Theosophists, Blavatsky referred to “Those [Masters] whose presence is alive in more than one true Theosophical heart”. [5] And in the “Rituel” we read that one must study the philosophy of wisdom for at least three hours every day:
“D. Comment doivent être employées ces trois heures?”
“R. A se pénétrer de la grandeur, de la sagesse et de la toute puissance de la divinité; à nous rapprocher d’elle par notre ferveur et à réunir si intimement notre physique à notre moral que nous puissions parvenir à la possession de cette philosophie naturelle et surnaturelle.” (p.31)
In the opening paragraph of her article “Learning From Each and Every Event”, H. P. Blavatsky says:
“I can do you no good if you yourselves fail to place yourselves in the atmosphere of Theosophy and the Masters; or rather, if you still fail to sense Them around yourselves – as you have done till now.” [6]
The “Rituel” deserves a careful study in the non-ceremonial context of the esoteric movement in the 21st century. Cagliostro is a wise and true friend of humanity. His life and writings constitute a source of inspiration for earnest theosophists of every nation.
(Carlos Cardoso Aveline)
[1] See in our associated websites the article “The Fraud in Adyar Esoteric School”.
[2] See “The Mahatma Letters”, Letter LXV, p. 365.
[3] “Lettres des Mahatmas”, Editions Adyar, Paris, 1990, Lettre LXV, p. 423.
[4] “A Modern Panarion”, The Theosophy Co., Los Angeles, 1981, p. 379.
[5] See in our associated websites the pamphlet “Five Messages”, by H. P. Blavatsky, Theosophy Co., p. 3.
[6] Click to read the article “Learning From Each and Every Event”, by H. P. Blavatsky.
The book “Rituel de la Maçonnerie Egyptienne” was published in our associated websites on 25 April 2019.
Click to see Helena Blavatsky’s article “Was Cagliostro a Charlatan?”. Read also “Prince Talleyrand, On Cagliostro”, by William Q. Judge.
In Portuguese language, you have “O Mistério de Alessandro Cagliostro”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline.
Examine Robert Crosbie’s article entitled “Masonic Rites and Esoteric Fraud”.
On the affinity between Paracelsus, Cagliostro and Helena Blavatsky, see “Paracelsus and the Book of Nature”.
As to Annie Besant’s betrayal of theosophy, read “The Fraud in Adyar Esoteric School”. Examine the articles “Besant Announces She Is An Adept”, “The Making of an Avatar”, “Krishnamurti on Besantian Delusions” and “To the Outer Head of the Adyar ES”.
On the role of the esoteric movement in the ethical awakening of mankind during the 21st century, see the book “The Fire and Light of Theosophical Literature”, by Carlos Cardoso Aveline.

Published in 2013 by The Aquarian Theosophist, the volume has 255 pages and can be obtained through Amazon Books.