A 2011 Open Letter to the President to the Adyar Society
Carlos Cardoso Aveline

Ms. Radha Burnier (1923-2013)
Editorial Note:
The following correspondence is part of a
chain of open letters to the president of the
Adyar Theosophical Society, Radha Burnier.
Starting in 2006, the annual messages proceeded
for various years. After Mrs. Burnier died in 2013,
the precariousness of international leadership in the
Adyar Society showed it was the time to stop the action.
A considerable amount of awareness about the issue
of Justice to William Judge had been attained already.
Mrs. Radha Burnier
International President,
The Theosophical Society,
Brasília, April 13th, 2011.
Dear Ms. Radha Burnier,
Greetings from Brazil.
The present letter deals with the subject of serendipity or the emerging of good karma.
Each day is a new day. Every aspect of life is always new, provided that we remain free from naïve attachment to past events.
The following paragraphs aim therefore at submitting to you an entirely new idea: that you might take action to help correct the existing injustice towards William Q. Judge.
This is only the sixth time in five years that students from various countries and theosophical associations write to you about the topic. In historical time, half a decade is but an instant. It might be compared to the fraction of a second. Yet, even in such a short time a limited but solid progress was made in the direction of a “pan-theosophical dialogue”, a respectful and frank exchange of views among people belonging to different theosophical associations, or to none of them, on issues dealing with the past and future of the movement.
The chain of letters to India has started to become more than a yearly celebration of William Judge’s life and work.
Writing to the president of the Adyar Society is a way to reflect upon and strengthen the unity of the theosophical movement as a whole.
Just as the politically motivated persecution against Judge in 1894-1895 provoked the first formal split in the theosophical movement, a calm and philosophical examination of that mistake will provide a key to understanding the Dynamic Unity of the movement, in the present as in the future.
Once karma is ready, change can occur in many different forms according to circumstances. Karmic adjustments cannot be avoided. If one form of renewal is blocked, another one emerges. You are an honest person, and everyone owes you respect. You are also human. Except for a short letter to me by the middle of 2004, you have avoided any clear statement in defense of H. P. Blavatsky, although you know the main founder of the movement has been surreptitiously and gravely slandered by dr. John Algeo and the USA-TPH since December 2003.
In 2006 and 2007, you wrote a few kind letters answering with a “No” to requests from various countries asking you to reopen and reconsider the so-called “Besant’s Case Against Judge”.
Perhaps it was not a coincidence that, soon after such an omission in defending the truth about two of the three founders, you had to face an electoral coup d’etat organized by your very same vice-president, Dr. John Algeo of the TPH-USA.
The main tactics of Dr. Algeo’s followers, in their failed attempt to “win” the international election in 2008, was spreading false statements about your physical health. The method was rather similar to the one previously used against HPB.
The 2007-2010 crisis should therefore not be seen as an isolated event, or as something unrelated to the karma of the movement. It does more than revealing the level of ethics of some of your colleagues at that time.
It might be seen as a wake up call to everyone. It could be a sign among others that the whole movement, not only Adyar, needs an ethical renewal, and that ethics towards our Founders, including H.P. Blavatsky and William Judge, is present at the very foundation of the brotherhood and truthfulness we need in this century; a century whose number, H.P.B. warned, equals three times seven.
It will be no secret to you that the theosophical movement must have an aura, and that the living center of that aura is made by the skandhas given to the movement by its main founders. You and many others among us all are aware of the fact that the movement has several levels of action and being. It is indeed septenary. Its lasting and occult structure was built through the self-sacrifice and efforts of the Founders, while they were working in close cooperation with Masters of the Wisdom. Masters themselves also contributed to the building of such a Central Aura during the formative years of the movement.
It is possible that no attempt to deny that central magnetic field – whether “masonic” or “liberal catholic” – will be able to last forever. Every unbiased student can see the nature of the ritualistic “aura” created by Annie Besant after she decided to ignore the 1900 Letter from a Master. I refer to the full text of the 1900 letter, addressed to Mrs. Besant, and only published during the second half of the 1980s.
The ritualistic – if not popish – magnetic field created after 1900 is but a secondary structure existing around the central aura, and unfortunately feeding on it. It is therefore a happy circumstance that it cannot and will not outlive its own cycle.
At the end of probationary periods, the Law of Justice opens room to serendipity.
The 2007-2010 power crisis is another indication of the closing of a mayavic cycle; but it is not the first one. It came less than one decade after the crisis which caused the formal split in the “theosophical masonry”.
Pseudo-theosophical ritualism was fabricated at the beginning of the 20th century by Mrs. Besant and a false clairvoyant. Beneath the surface of appearances often absurd, in layers deeper than the ill-informed pursuit of personal ambition, there may be a magnetic link between the center of the aura of the movement and the conscience Duty of sincere theosophists.
The karma and magnetism of the movement have their own tectonic layers, and these can rearrange the surface of their crust as cycles of falsehood end, and cycles of rebirth begin.
You are the seventh president of the Adyar Society, and everyone knows what H.P.B. wrote about number seven in life and in the theosophical movement, in two different articles. In theory, it is not impossible for you to help clear the way back to those long-standing, deeper foundations of the movement which were abandoned in the 1890s by your Society during the persecution against William Judge.
Of course, a narrow-minded perspective would say that writing letters to you on the topic of Respect for Our Founders is an effort made “against the Adyar Society”.
Such an illusion could only emerge from a blind and bureaucratic feeling of attachment to corporate organizations.
In fact, the idea of Justice to Judge and the effort around it constitute a gift to your Society. The action is based upon the fact that your Society is a living process, apt to respond, sooner or later, to new realities and cycles. As we all know, Justice may take time, but it doesn’t fail.
Truth can often be seen and transmitted through small events. The humble chain of letters about Justice to Judge is a friendly initiative. It is but putting at your disposal some of the lost elements of information which are necessary for your Society to reconcile itself with its own deeper Dharma. Such a “dharmic” Duty is shared by Adyar with those sectors of the theosophical movement which already know that William Judge was one of its main founders, and are aware of the fact that his books and articles have a unique value for truth-seekers in the 21st century.
It would be an illusion to think or to say that the Adyar Society is unimportant.
It will be good for the theosophical movement to have a more quickly awakening Adyar Society. You and every theosophist can take practical steps in that direction. The movement is but one. It is undivided at the occult plane, and you can take the initiative to accelerate its liberation from some of its worst 20th century delusions, thus clearly opening the door for a much better future.
In any case, you have, and you deserve, the sincere respect and admiration of all.
Best regards,
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
In September 2016, after a careful analysis of the state of the esoteric movement worldwide, group of students decided to form the Independent Lodge of Theosophists, whose priorities include the building of a better future in the different dimensions of life.