How to Expand Your Ability to Learn
Carlos Cardoso Aveline
“Whenever I start something
new, I know I have tons to learn.”
(Donald J. Trump)
A clean life, an open mind, a pure heart: these are the initial steps in the Golden Stairs of theosophical philosophy. The three factors make you capable of learning. They liberate you from the hypnotic power of accumulated ignorance.
Some theosophists act as if they knew everything already. They start seeking for the appearance of a distinguished person, and try to put themselves on a small pedestal. This is how they destroy their own ability to learn.
Treading the spiritual path means consolidating the lessons learned, while looking at life each new day as if it were for the first time.
Donald J. Trump shares his vision of the art of renewing life:
“Whenever I start something new, I know I have tons to learn. I see each new project as a blank page that I can’t wait to fill. I get excited because I love to investigate, dig in new areas, acquire information, put it together, and gain an in-depth understanding of something completely new.”
“I’ve had this feeling at every stage of my career; it’s how I begin every successful project. I consider it a sign; if I don’t feel excited, I usually pass on the opportunity, even if it could produce huge profits. My enthusiasm drives me to learn, and what I learn gives me more control. My knowledge also helps me avoid mistakes and eliminate problems that could arise.” [1]
Each day I see naive people of every age adopting the false idea that they already know all things that are necessary to learn.
Many teenagers think they know more and better than their parents. “My mother is ignorant, and my father knows nothing.”
Others think that everyone who is older than 50 has attained wisdom. At any age, it is possible to deceive oneself in many different ways. On the other hand, those who are well informed know that the more one knows, the more one can learn. Depending on one’s point of view regarding life, a mature person is capable of learning much more and better than an immature person.
A fool is he who thinks he doesn’t need to learn. Avoiding the trap of mental laziness, Trump quotes the unforgettable phrase by Socrates:
“I only know that I know nothing.”
And Trump advises:
“Remain open to new ideas and information. Nobody knows it all and thinking that you do is dumb; it can slam the door on great discoveries and opportunities. If I had started in business thinking that I knew everything, I’d have been finished before I began. Don’t make that mistake. Every business has surprises, hidden dangers beneath the surface, and simple problems that become complex.”
“In my life, I want each day to be full of discoveries, and I frequently wonder what I’ll be learning each day. It’s a terrific way to start the day. When I learn, it makes me feel great, alive, and excited – it makes me want to learn more. As a result, I’m never bored, which I think is a big reason for my success.”
“Never think of learning as a burden or a chore. It may require some discipline, but it can be a stimulating and exciting adventure.” [2]
Treading the spiritual path means simply learning.
Being wise is the same as having an open mind and being quick to grasp knowledge – sometimes instantly – in the amount necessary and with firmness enough to make the right decisions.
There are levels of perception that are above rational knowledge. The intuitive mind surrounds and inspires the thinking mind.
[1] From the book “Trump 101 – The Way to Success”, by Donald J. Trump with Meredith McIver: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007, New Jersey, USA, 188 pp., see pp. 94-95.
[2] “Trump 101 – The Way to Success”, by Donald J. Trump with Meredith McIver, op. cit., pp. 95-97.
The article “The Right View of Life” was published by the websites of the Independent Lodge of Theosophists on 17 October 2024.  An initial version of it, under the title “A Broad View of Life” and having no indication as to the name of the author, is part of the September 2024 edition of “The Aquarian Theosophist”, pp. 4-6.
Read more:
* Give Your Higher Self a Chance (by Donald J. Trump).
Helena Blavatsky (photo) wrote these revealing words: “Deserve, then desire”.