The Implosion of Ignorance and
the Recovery of Common Sense
Carlos Cardoso Aveline

In the 21st century, an old way of being human is coming to an end, and a new way of being human is gradually emerging.
Every citizen is an heir to whatever is right, and to whatever is wrong, in the accumulated Karma of our mankind. The causes of happiness and the causes of suffering, all belong to him. He has in his soul the processes of decay and of regeneration; the old and the new; the past and the future, ignorance and wisdom. His are the past civilizations – and the future ones. It is therefore up to him to strengthen his will, to transcend ignorance and open the way to the best and to the highest.
The work “The Secret Doctrine”, by H.P. Blavatsky, allows us to understand the evolutionary stage of our humanity today. The dawn of a more fraternal and intuitive set of diverse civilizations is slowly being prepared.
Life becomes less and less material. A part of humanity gets ready for the future, constituting a block of constructive karma. Another part of humanity still clings to selfishness and ignorance, and thus forms a block of negative karma.
Which side does each of us prefer to be on? A battle unfolds in every soul. The natural thing to do is to join the field of constructive karma. The sensible citizen wants to be part of the karmic block now producing a healthy future, but this depends on the firmness of his willpower and his discernment.
It is not difficult to see several basic characteristics of the two karmic blocks: the new one, which expands, and the old one, which implodes. I’ll share with you the first draft of a comparative description for the two main magnetic fields, side by side. In italics, the field of contempt for life, expressing ignorance in its process of implosion. In normal letters, underlined, the field of respect for life, which constitutes the basis of contentment.
Different wordings could be accepted in each item. The general idea is important, not the precise terms used here and there. Hence its status as a draft-document. With this in mind, see the approximate fields of “disrespect” and “respect”:
* Intensive pro-abortion propaganda and campaigns. Or –
* Defense of the rights of the unborn child. Action against abortion and against its causes.
* Propaganda and encouragement of Euthanasia. Or –
* Action against euthanasia. Defense of natural life.
* The worship of machines. Technocracy. “Machines are more important than human beings.” Or –
* The ability to say No to the worship of machines. Due appreciation of human beings. The unmasking of technocratic delusions.
* An active and obsessive propaganda of homosexuality (which castrates life by preventing the natural reproduction of human beings). The promotion of the mutilation of sexual organs under the name of “change of sex”. An active, militant contempt for natural family. Or –
* The defense of the natural, human marriage and the healthy generation of children. The cherishing of human family.
* In the media, a biased propaganda replaces information, being presented as if it were “a simple communication of facts that no one could ever think about doubting”. Or –
* In the media, objectivity, respect for facts, and that realistic and sober attitude typical of those who do not use drugs or suffer from maniac delusions.
* The promotion of indulgence, laziness, constant complaining, rebellion, and the search for short term pleasure; a rejection of all ideals, every form of discipline, and all limits. Or –
* The encouragement of idealism, self-sacrifice, self-discipline, compassion, self-denial, the fulfillment of duty, and a feeling of good will.
* The promotion of negative thinking and a catastrophic view of the human future. Or –
* Positive thinking and an optimistic view of the human future.
* Addiction to horror stories and films and books based on violence, which pave the way to depressive states of consciousness. Or –
* The appreciation of films and books that tell constructive stories and show us how to live better and more wisely.
* The habit of provoking wars. Under this pretext, priority to gigantic military investments. Environmental devastation. Or –
* Action against war. Mutual respect among countries, ethnicities and cultures. Respect for the natural environment.
* Action and propaganda that might lead to nuclear war between the West and Russia, and in other regions, including the Middle East. Or –
* Objective action to eliminate the danger of nuclear war between the West and Russia, and in the Middle East, and any other region of the planet.
* Promotion of the idea of “cancel culture”. Attacks against all cultural traditions and contempt for religions. Or –
* A rejection of “cancel culture”. An ability to defend the cultural and religious traditions of nations.
* The promotion of personal hatred in politics, and the convenient choosing of “right-wing” scapegoats to be hated in public. In some cases, entire nations and their governments are singled out as the object of a systematic and long-lasting hatred, in an attitude which cannot stand up to a psychoanalytic examination. Or –
* Abstention from campaigns of personal hatred against opponents. The promotion of lucid debates, which do not resort to personal attacks.
* Contempt for the Christian ideal and for the Jewish tradition. A poorly disguised anti-Semitism. Or –
* Respect for the Christian ideal and for the Jewish people (the latter being the great scapegoat of Nazism and of other forms of organized ignorance).
* Denial of the existence of a spiritual soul in human beings. The concept of “ethics” can be used as a political banner to persecute opponents, but it is not used to improve oneself. Or –
* Recognition of the existence of the spiritual soul. The concept of “ethics” can be a political banner, but it is used above all to improve oneself.
* A systematic attack on the national feeling in countries. Disrespect for the independence of nations. An authoritarian, hasty and obsessive process of globalization. Insolent attacks on the love of citizens for their countries. Or –
* Stimulation of the national feeling in countries. Respect for the independence of nations, resistance to any obsessive process of globalization. Support for peaceful nationalism and for the brotherhood of nations. Respect for the love of each citizen for his or her country.
* Promotion of Artificial Intelligence as if it were a fait accompli that no one can question. Mere computerized data processing is presented as if it were “intelligence”. Or –
* Resistance to Artificial Intelligence. Priority is given to human intelligence, which must be helped and not “replaced” by machines. Intelligence cannot be confused with mere Data Processing.
* Promotion of the use of drugs and of alcoholism. In medicine, large-scale adoption of substances that interfere with the brain action, thus replacing ethical forms of psychology and psychotherapy. Or –
* Action against the use of drugs and alcoholism, and a deliberate project to fight their causes. In medicine, denouncing the use of chemical substances which replace ethical forms of psychology. The promotion of self-knowledge through the thoughtful action of non-violent psychology.
* An active promotion of financial capitalism (banks) and tax havens to the detriment of productive capitalism (factories, farmers). Or –
* The preservation of a certain independence from financial capitalism and financial speculation. Support for productive capitalism: factories, farmers, real-estate, small businesses, cultural actions, small industrial companies. Caution whenever there is an excessive power concentrated in a few hands. Promotion of ethics in economic relations.
* The central and fundamental point is that every human being needs to do whatever seems to be fashionable and politically correct (as defined by propaganda). Or –
* The basic point is that each human being must listen to his or her own conscience, remaining independent of morally blind propaganda mechanisms.
The article “Two Karmic Fields in the Planetary Transition” was published on the websites of the Independent Lodge of Theosophists on 10 September 2024. It is a translation from the Portuguese language text “Dois Campos Cármicos Na Transição Planetária”. An initial version of it is also published in “The Aquarian Theosophist”, August 2024, under the title of “Thoughts Along the Road”.
Read more:

* On Abortion: Is Foeticide a Crime?, by Helena P. Blavatsky.
* The Spiritual Power of Marriage, by Pitirim A. Sorokin.
* How Women Enlighten the Future, by a Master of the Wisdom.
* Freud, Jung, And Ethics (On the Importance of the Love for Life).
* Human Ethics and Earthquakes, by Damodar K. Mavalankar. The secret connection between human soul and the geological cycles of the Earth.

Helena Blavatsky (photo) wrote these words: “Deserve, then desire”.